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What does GMO stand for? "A GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a living thing whose genetic makeup has been altered using biotechnology. Biotechnology involves manipulating genes outside of a cell and placing the modified genes inside the living organism. Manipulating a living organism's genetic material changes its fundamental characteristics and results in gene sequences never before seen in nature. " Source: What Do You Need to Know About GMOs? - The Non-GMO Project (

Is GMO good or bad? "GMOs are, and always have been, a tool to increase the profit margin of massive agrochemical corporations. GMO crops and their growing systems often require excessive chemical inputs to ensure production. The costs associated with growing GMOs can often push farmers into debt. The vast monocultures where GMO flourish invite disease, pest infestations, and soil degradation for which the agrichemical industry offers even more accompanying chemical or fertilizer “solutions” (for a price)." Source: What Do You Need to Know About GMOs? - The Non-GMO Project (

How do you make sure your ingredients are non GMO? We source them from local farmers that we know and trust! Most of the ingredients that we use are generally not available commercially in their GMO form, except for alfalfa, so we use extra care when sourcing that to make sure that it's non-gmo.

Is Eden Feeds organic? No, we are not, but we try to source ingredients that are as clean (free from 'cides') as possible. We do not use grains that have been dessicated in the field or grains that have been treated with pesticides for storage. Occasionally we do use organic grains. We feed this feed to our own animal that we feed to our family, so keeping it as natural as possible is very important to us!

What illnesses have been linked to GMO’s? "1. Allergies One of the major concerns with GMO foods is their potential to trigger allergic reactions. Genetic modifications can introduce new proteins into the food, which may be allergenic to some individuals. Common allergenic GMO crops include soy, corn, and peanuts. 2. Digestive Disorders GMO foods have been associated with various digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and leaky gut syndrome. These conditions can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. 3. Cancer While the link between GMO foods and cancer is still being studied, some research suggests a potential association. Certain GMO crops, such as glyphosate-resistant soybeans, have been found to contain higher levels of herbicide residues, which may have carcinogenic properties. 4. Hormonal Imbalances GMO foods can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body. This can lead to hormonal imbalances, which may manifest as irregular menstrual cycles, fertility issues, mood swings, and other hormonal disorders. 5. Antibiotic Resistance Genetic modifications in GMO foods often involve the use of antibiotic resistance genes. Consuming these foods may contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, making it harder to treat infections. 6. Organ Damage Some studies have suggested that GMO foods can cause damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys. This may be due to the accumulation of toxins or the disruption of normal cellular processes. 7. Neurological Disorders There is emerging evidence linking GMO foods to neurological disorders. These include conditions like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and autism spectrum disorders. The exact mechanisms behind these associations are still being investigated. 8. Reproductive Issues GMO foods have been implicated in reproductive issues, including infertility and reproductive organ abnormalities. These effects may be attributed to the disruption of reproductive hormones and the accumulation of toxins in the body. 9. Immune System Dysfunction Consuming GMO foods may have a negative impact on the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and autoimmune diseases. This can weaken the body's ability to defend against pathogens and maintain overall health. 10. Obesity and Metabolic Disorders Some studies suggest a potential link between GMO foods and obesity, as well as metabolic disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These associations may be related to the altered nutrient composition and potential disruption of metabolic processes. It is important to note that while there is evidence suggesting potential health risks associated with GMO foods, more research is needed to fully understand their long-term effects." Source: List of Diseases Caused by GMO Foods - Statcare (

Why Soy Free? 1.) When we first had the vision for Eden Feeds, we wanted to create a complete feed using only locally (Montana) grown ingredients, of which soy is not one. 2.) Soy has been linked to many health concerns, so we feel that it is best avoided. 3.) 95% of the soy grown in the US is genetically modified, making sourcing non gmo soy very difficult.

What health concerns are linked to Soy? "Soy has been linked to several health concerns. These include: -Increased breast cancer risks -Suppressed thyroid activity -Endocrine disruptor, disrupts hormonal balance -Linked to male and female fertility problems -Negative effects on the brain -Responsible for mineral deficiencies -Common allergen -Almost entirely GMO, genetically modified -Soy can also cause some mild stomach and intestinal side effects such as constipation, bloating, and nausea." Source: 8 Health Dangers of Soy (To Know) - NatureWord

How long does a 40lb bag of chicken feed last? The average adult chicken: consumes around 0.25 lbs or one ½ cup of feed per day. Example: For 4 chickens, this amounts to 1lb daily, so a 40lb bag will last approximately 40 days. If you have 10 chickens, they will eat 2.5 lbs per day, meaning a 40lb bag will last about 16 days. Individual chicken feed needs may vary due to factors like size, temperament, sex, and foraging habits. Chicks and Pullets Young chickens require less feed than adults. A chick may need 1-2 ozs per day, roughly 1 lb per week, increasing gradually to 0.25 lb by 16 weeks of age. Source: How Much Is Chicken Feed? A Guide to Feeding Your Poultry – Roosty's (

What is the best feeding practice for chickens? Have fresh water and feed readily available at all times. We recommend having appropriately sized grit available free choice for poultry of all ages, especially when feeding whole grain feeds such as ours. Grit acts as the chickens 'teeth' and is essential for getting the most nutrition out of the feed. For laying hens, also offer oyster shell free choice for their calcium needs. Our feed does contain calcium, but hen's calcium needs vary with age, so at times they may require extra.

What are some ways to increase egg production? Please note that this is a brief overview, as there are MANY factors at play in egg production. ~Hen's age. Egg production is highest in first year of age and decreases with each year thereafter. ~Lighting. Hens need at least 16 hrs. of daylight to lay well. (Or at all) ~Feed. A well balanced feed with at least 16% Protein is best. ~Health. Parasites will drain nutrients from chickens and inhibit egg laying ability. ~Safety. Stress can cause chickens to stop laying altogether. Stress can come from percieved or real dangers (e.g. predators, electric storms, being picked on by other chickens). ~Extreme Temperatures. Both extreme heat and extreme cold will slow or stop egg production.

When should I start feeding Layer Feed to my chicks? Pullets can be transitioned from Starter/Grower to Layer Feed at about 20 weeks old, or as soon as they start laying.

What are the advantages of Whole Grain Feed versus Crumbles or Pellets? Whole Grain textured feeds are kept raw, with grain kernals left as whole as possible in order to retain heat-sensitive vitamins and enzymes. When feed is pelleted or made into crumbles, a significant portion of its nutritional value is lost due to the cooking process.

How can I reduce waste when feeding Eden Feeds Whole Grain feed? Chickens have very individualistic tastes, so one disadvantage of feeding non-pelleted feed is that they can pick out the grains they like and waste the rest. Some people's flocks might really dislike peas, and love oats, or vice versa. And wasting a lot of the 'fines' is pretty common as well. So what can you do? Well, several things... ~Moisten or Ferment the feed before feeding. Only feed as much wet feed as the chickens will clean up in one day. ~Use low waste feeders. There are many kinds available, but we love the Little Giant Plastic Dome feeder available on Amazon and at many Farm and Ranch stores. You can even make a low waste feeder of your own using one of the many tutorials available online!

How and why is feed fermented? Fermenting feed can help reduce your feed bill by making the nutrients in the feed more available to chickens and reducing waste. They also tend to need less feed when it is fermented. Feed can be fermented by covering with water and leaving it for about 3 days, or until it begins to smell sour. It will ferment much faster at higher temperatures than lower temps, so some tweaking will be necessary to figure out what works best for you.

Why are there rocks in my feed? We add grit (chunks of granite) to our whole grain feed to help chickens digest it better. Without it, chickens aren't able to break down the whole grains in their gizzard, and can only digest a fraction of what they eat. People are often surprized by how large the grit is, especially in the Layer feed, but those are the sizes recommended by nutritionists. At times you may see some grit at the bottom of the feeder, that is because they will only eat as much as they need. At times they may need more than is in the feed, which is why we recommend having free choice grit available.

Can your chicken feeds be fed to ducks? Yes! Both our Starter/Grower and our Layer feeds are great for ducks.

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